Monday, November 15, 2010

The Boy's and Girl's Club: Round 2

     Today we made our second visit to the Boy's and Girl's Club. Rachel and I (yes, I am writing another blog post that includes her) had a new student to consult with. This time around, I found that Rachel and I were more natural around the student. I was brimming with happiness when Rachel told me I was not awkward. While perhaps we were better versed with introducing the idea of the digital story, talking about interviews, etc., etc., I found that our student was far more interested in the project and engaged with us. For example, she expressed interest in watching the digital stories we made for class. I was surprised in a good way when our student countered my "please we don't need to watch my video" speech (or maybe I was just being modest....) by saying "it's different" (compared with Rachel's). She saw, even after the limited experience of watching two digital stories, that the subject matter and approach to a digital story can vary greatly and one can use different angles to approach their desired topic. I was impressed.  
     Rachel and I also had our student formultate some questions of her own. She told us she was still waiting to receive the list of questions from the BGC. We used this as an advantage, telling our student it might be useful to have an idea of what she might like to focus on in mind. At first, she was frustrated and said she prefered to wait until she received the questions, rather than play along with our improvised exercise. "Uh-oh," I thought... awkward 15 minutes ahead. Fortunately, she became more confortable with the idea and threw out some great ideas of what her grandmother might share with her, what she could ask and focus on, etc. She told us that her grandmother likely finds that young people today are lucky compared with the difficulties she endured. I found this idea to be surprisingly perceptive for such a young student...I'm excited to see how the interview goes and what she is able to make out of her questions as well as the questions she is given.
     Overall, I found this consultation to be both thorough and effective. She seemed more comfortable with approaching the project (especially the interview portion) after she met and talked with us.

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    I completely agree with you - having a student who is invested and excited really makes a difference!
    And I also think this monday went better than last time not just because of the student but because we were more comfortable as well. We knew what to expect, what worked and didn't work, so we automatically felt more comfortable with our roles as consultants in the BGC. So we were BOTH less awkward!
